Lift! Support!! Rise!!! Purpose

Inspiring Indian Women

Company number- 10879951 (UK), Private Limited Company by guarantee without share capital use of ' Limited ' exemption. Inspiring Indian Women Charitable Foundation, Company number - 366414 (India). Inspiring Indian Women Group, (Not for profit organisation) was started with the vision to reach out and inspire each other with their success stories. It not only aims to help and promote Indian culture across the globe but also provide a healthy platform for our Indian women to motivate and support others.

To collaborate and coordinate to create opportunities for each inherent talent, dreams and desires to fulfil. Also try to change attitude and stereotypical perceptions towards women.

vision is to bring together women from all over the world on one platform and work towards bigger goals. Get wider ideas and network with ladies worldwide to work towards upliftment and creating awareness towards social causes.

To organise programmes related to cultural heritage and assist in making the presence of stronger Indian community not only in London but elsewhere.

Personal Satisfaction

Be known faces all over for your work, your endeavours, your business, your Art, your creativity and contribute towards prosperity of family and self.

Lift! Support!! Rise!!! Purpose

The team has been working hard to carry it forward in supporting women from all fields to grow professionally as well as personally. The group’s tagline, Lift! Support! Rise! is inspired by the Poet and Civil Rights activist Maya Angelou’s quote, ‘Try and be a Rainbow in someone’s cloud’.

The group was created on 6th April, 2016 by the name ‘BhartiyaNaari’, Which was later changed to Inspiring Indian Women. Its members are based not only in U.K but all over the world. In just six months the membership touched almost 5000. Slowly and steadily the group is rising to reach its objective as a support by sharing inspirational stories of women in all fields be it in performing arts, entrepreneurship, children’s talent or even creating awareness against any gender bias issue. The group believes in collaborating and coordinating with other Indian groups to organise events, for example with IWIL, IIL, Hindi women in UK, Made in India, IMUK, Jammu Kashmir festival team etc.

Its members are based not only in the U.K but all over the world. In just six months the membership touched almost 5000. Slowly and steadily the group is rising to reach its objective as a support by sharing inspirational stories of women in all fields be it in performing arts, entrepreneurship, children’s talent or even creating awareness against any gender bias issue. The group believes in collaborating and coordinating with other Indian groups to organise events, for example with IWIL, IIL, Hindi women in UK, Made in India, IMUK, Jammu Kashmir festival team, Essex Indians, Events to Empower, Women 2 Women and Brahmin Society of North London, Enfield Saheli etc. From talk shows to Republic Day and Independence Day celebrations, Women Cricket Match, to showcasing our Indian Cultural extravaganza in crowded non-Indian places like various iconic stations in UK, Charity fund raiser; Nakshi Bold and Beautiful and Dance for a cause and also the very popular events like Baishkhi and Prekarva Chauth on public demand. We often try and create opportunities to various women having small scale business and trying to sell through FB or limited market. Our uniqueness is that, we allow one business post a day. We now have 3 Whatsapp group, a Telegram a Facebook Group with almost 10 to 30 new members wanting to join every week. Over all Social Media reach (Insta, Twitter, FB Page, FB Group) is more than 25 lakhs.

Our aim is to do ground work and use Social Media only to connect, publicity and get audience.

Inspiring Indian Women has come a long way since its first event on Giddha along with Heartfulness. The IIW team is rising; it has a cultural team, IT team, Deputy Directors, Executive members, Digital Marketing head IT UK as well as Digital Marketing Head IT India. The team comprises of both influential and successful men and women in London with the drive to help the community genuinely.

The IIW website was formally launched in the Houses of Commons in the presence of Honourable MP Mr Virendra Sharma, Honourable M.P Mr Bob Blackman, and Honourable M.P Ms Rupa Haq along with 5 councillors on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2018.

As Rashmi Mishra puts it, selflessly we move by simply motivating, encouraging, inspiring, influencing, sharing and caring for each other. This is the platform, where there are no admins, no superiority syndrome as well as no place for jealousy and ego

Covid- 19 – Crisis

Our Team of Volunteers has been available on phone 24×7

We handled right from Grocery shopping, Medicine delivery for vulnerable people and elderly. , handling various queries from Stranded Indian students and tourists right from accommodation to counselling, adding them to various fun groups, sharing with them various webinar links, meditation / chanting links. We connected them to various organisations and people for better support.


Some of the Charity work –

  • 2016 – Donated 50 pounds towards Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of UK, a newly registered charity No – 1172411
  • 2017- Christmas Party wherein members Cooked food and organised a cultural programme for a special school
  • 2018 - Nakshi Bold and Beautiful Fashion Show to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Research. Raised 1500 pounds to donate. The show also raised awareness against Cancer. Nearly 15 cancer survivors also walked the ramp.
  • 2019- Dance for a Cause by International Choreographer Sandeep Soparrkar to create awareness regarding the issue of Domestic Violence. It was also to raise funds for a women's refuge Solace Women’s Aid.
  • 2019 – Christmas Party to donate money towards elderly women's care centre ‘Mothers Home’ Guwahati. Donated around 280 pounds.

IIW (Inspiring Indian Women)- Strengthening women globally since

2017, Registered in UK, Company number- 10879951
2021, Registered in India, Company Number 366414

The Inspiring Indian Women (IIW) Group was created in 2016, connecting Indian women from all around the world. Their vision is to create one healthy platform for members to share their success stories, motivate one another, and promote Indian culture across the globe. They collaborate creative opportunities for each inherent talent, dream, and desire, whilst seeking to change attitudes and stereotypical perceptions towards women. Ultimately bringing wider insights, networking opportunities, and organising programmes relating to cultural heritage, IIW assists the presence of strong Indian communities in different parts of the globe. This amazing network of women regularly take part in charity work, and during the pandemic they stepped up for their community, offering mental health support, food, and medicine deliveries. Support women entrepreneurs, FREE

To collaborate and coordinate to create opportunities for each inherent talent, dreams and desires to fulfil.
To change attitude and stereotypical perceptions towards women. Vision
Bring together women from all over the world, on one platform and work towards bigger goals.
Get wider ideas and network with ladies worldwide to work towards upliftment and creating awareness towards social causes. To organise programmes related to cultural heritage and assist in making the presence of stronger Indian community not only in London but elsewhere.
Providing all support related to DV Issues