Domestic violence

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The following information has been complied for indian women in UK facing domestic abuse to help and guide them. You don’t have to suffer in silence.

Migrants who are in the UK as the spouse or partner of a British citizen or someone settled can apply for permission to stay as a victim of domestic violence (even if their visa has expired).
A victim of domestic violence who is working may be able to escape the situation by moving elsewhere and supporting themselves while making an application to stay in the UK.
Those without the means to do this are likely to flee to a refuge to escape the family home. After a short while it will become necessary to apply for benefits (“public funds”) to provide support and accommodation. The Home Office has recognised that those in this situation do not have access to public funds and may become destitute.
As a result, it is possible to apply for short-term leave under the destitute domestic violence concession. Many migrants who are victims of domestic violence will apply for this concession as a first step.
To be successful an applicant must show that:
they have been granted leave to remain as a partner the relationship has broken down as a result of domestic violence they need to access public funds in order to leave the relationship they intend to apply for leave to remain as a victim of domestic violence.
If successful, the applicant will be granted three months leave to remain in the UK with access to public funds.
A grant of leave under the concession does not mean that a full grant of leave will ultimately be successful, but it does allow a vulnerable migrant to escape to a safe space with the help of public funds.
The correct form for the application is SET(DV). To succeed, the applicant must:
be in the UK have made a valid application not fall for refusal under the suitability requirements for indefinite leave to remain meet the eligibility requirements.
The fee for an application under the domestic violence rules is the same as for all other indefinite leave to remain applications, £2,389. But unlike other categories of indefinite leave it is possible to apply for a fee waiver. This is done by sending the application in without paying the fee and providing evidence that it qualifies for a waiver.
The applicant must show that:
They do not have adequate accommodation or any means of obtaining it, or they have adequate accommodation or the means to obtain it but can not meet their other essential living needs. A decision on the fee waiver must be based on evidence of poverty. An applicant can be expected to provide the following types of evidence:
tenancy agreements, payslips, utility bills, and bank statements. For those who are unable to provide documents because they fled the family home without them the Home Office will decide if the applicant is telling the truth about their circumstances. In those cases a grant under the concession, receipt of support from a local council or a refuge will help establish credibility.

Where to go for help?
It is important for victims of domestic violence to know there are organisations out there who will be able to help. If you are affected by domestic violence and abuse you can get help from the following places:
For women
National Domestic Violence helpline

The National Domestic Violence Helpline is a freephone 24 hour helpline which provides advice and support to women and can refer them to emergency accommodation. The National Domestic Violence Helpline is run in partnership between the charities Refuge and Women’s Aid.
There are translation facilities if your first language is not English. The helpline also offers help for callers with hearing difficulties.
Telephone: 0808 200 0247 (24 hours)
Rights of Women
The charity Rights of Women offers advice on immigration and asylum law, including where domestic violence is a factor. Its helpline is open to individual women with immigration problems who have experienced violence and the professionals who support them.
Telephone: 020 7490 7689
Useful contact numbers and websites that help support victims of Domestic Abuse 
Police: Call 999
Inspiring Indian Women:

Sangam Centre (210 Burnt Oak Broadway, Edgware) – Free Counselling Service for victims of Domestic Abuse
Sangam Centre. Sangam Centre. 210 Burnt Oak Broadway, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 0AP. Telephone 020 8952 7062; Email . › phone-the-helpline” Freephone National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 2000 247 › phone-the-helpline Call the 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247 for confidential, non-judgemental information and support

0800 953 9666 – 24 HR MULTILINGUAL HELPLINE We support Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic communities (BAME) affected by domestic abuse including Forced Marriage & Honour Based Abuse. 

Hestia Housing & Support |
Team London – 020 7374 3100Hestia works across London, supporting thousands of adults and children each year including women and children surviving domestic abuse. 

Ashiana Network
020 8539 0427 Ashiana Network offers specialist refuge, advice, support and counselling services for black and minority ethnic women and girls (14+) affected by domestic violence, sexual violence, forced marriage, honour based violence and women who have no recourse to public funds.