This April, Let’s Tackle Stress Together 💪

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This April, Let’s Tackle Stress Together 💪

As April unfolds, we embrace National Stress Awareness Month—an opportune moment to reflect on our mental well-being and strategise how best to nurture our minds.

In our busy lives, pausing and addressing our stress levels is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity. That’s why I’m reaching out today. Whether you are already on top of your health routines or looking to start, this message is for you.

I’ve experienced the benefits of using meditation devices, Shakti mats, and pure peace to aid my mindfulness and meditation practice. These things remind me of peace and resilience’s profound impact on our daily lives. We all function, operate and seek peace in different ways. Our needs are unique to us. However, raising awareness of what else can aid us is helpful.

Let me share some information from a survey.  A recent 2024 Muse Brain Health Report reveals startling statistics about stress across different working generations:

  • 65% of Gen Z (born 1997-2012)
  • 61% of Millennials (born 1981-1996)
  • 55% of Gen X (born 1965-1980)

These numbers show that stress is a common thread for many of us, affecting each age group distinctly.

So I ask you: What’s Your Stress Relief Go-To?

⭐️ Creating inner peace through Meditation and Mindfulness

⭐️ Focusing your energies through Exercise, Yoga or Running

⭐️ Better handling of confrontations and relationships

⭐️ Enhancing your workspace and productivity

⭐️ Boosting resilience by reflection and journaling

⭐️ Self-care treatments such as massages, acupuncture or well-being workshops

 Or is it something completely different…

We all have unique ways of cultivating calmness. Some may have mastered these techniques, while others are just beginning their journey. No matter where you are in your personal or professional growth, managing stress effectively can elevate your ability to thrive. Remember to spend a little time on yourself this April and put in that self-care to help alleviate your stress levels.

Wishing you peace and progress,


Dr. Tisha Patel Coaching

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